Starting a new leaf

Okay, I missed my day for blogging this week. I do have the excuse of getting my son ready to move. He leaves for Colorado today. What am I going to do by myself?

I’ll have to start working on my books in earnest! Those of you who don’t work outside the house, how do you manage your time? I find myself distracting myself frequently. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Enough for now. Almost time to go out for our goodbye dinner.



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3 responses to “Starting a new leaf

  1. K.L. Gore

    I wish I had good advice for you. I am easily distracted. Facebook. Twitter. People’s blogs on the writing craft. Plus, I still have a youngster at home that enjoys attention and I exercise at least 3 times a week, and that takes up nearly two hours of those days. If I truly want to get something done, I stay off the Internet. And every hour I can get up to do a little housework (Which I normally hate but provides another distraction when I’m frustrated with a scene), but until then, I force myself to keep going. When my story becomes so rotten I can smell the stink, I will give up and stop. So…not really good advice, but it’s all I have. I’d love to know what others do.

  2. SAY

    To be honest, I leave. I have been know to drive to B&N, gab a table by the single (#%%#) plug, put on my noise canceling headphones and work.

  3. I do work from home, but for Frontier. They made it obvious for me. My work space had to be a place where I was shut out from the rest of the home and its’ distractions. I do contend with things like facebook and such but I am also accountable to work. Since I am taking calls and working through a corp. internet connection they can keep track of my time on phone and online. Maybe what you need is some means of accountability. But beyond that set up a place away from the rest of the house to work in.

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