Tag Archives: organizing

Starting a new leaf

Okay, I missed my day for blogging this week. I do have the excuse of getting my son ready to move. He leaves for Colorado today. What am I going to do by myself?

I’ll have to start working on my books in earnest! Those of you who don’t work outside the house, how do you manage your time? I find myself distracting myself frequently. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Enough for now. Almost time to go out for our goodbye dinner.



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A New Chapter

I’m sitting here at my computer and cleaning up all my backlog of correspondence. To think I have two more days before I begin the newest chapter in my life. The incentive to start on the right foot has me at the computer for at least one hour per day. Of course all that time is not always spent writing. With all the different organizations I’m involved with there is still a lot of time to be able to write and keep a clean, safe home.

I’ve even made dinner for the past two nights. For those of you who know me well, that is an accomplishment! Working in the dietary department of a local nursing home has given me ideas of meals my children will eat and make enough for at least one night’s leftovers. Our new refrigerator will not be stocked to the gills, so leftovers will be welcomed for once. LOL. The kitchen cupboards in the house are overflowing, so I’m only going to take the minimum essentials with us.

Right now, I’m going to take a break from the computer and enjoy the baked chicken and vegetables with cheesy scalloped potatoes.


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